Thursday, May 9, 2019

How to create your own EBS 12.2.8 Instance using a Oracle Virtual Box

In this post I will cover how you can create your own EBS 12.2.8 instance using a Virtual Box

Step 1
Download and Install Virtual Box 6.0
Step 2
Go to Oracle Software Delivery and search for Oracle VM Virtual Appliances for Oracle E-Business Suite as below:

Add to cart and check out this file.

After your done with your download you should have below files:

Unzip them all together and you should end up with 16 .ova files.
Step 3
Open command prompt using CMD and navigate to where those 16 files are located.
Use below command to group them together into a single .ova file:

type Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.8_VISION_INSTALL.ova.00 Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.8_VISION_INSTALL.ova.01 Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.8_VISION_INSTALL.ova.02 Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.8_VISION_INSTALL.ova.03 Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.8_VISION_INSTALL.ova.04 Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.8_VISION_INSTALL.ova.05 Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.8_VISION_INSTALL.ova.06 Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.8_VISION_INSTALL.ova.07 Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.8_VISION_INSTALL.ova.08 Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.8_VISION_INSTALL.ova.09 Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.8_VISION_INSTALL.ova.10 Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.8_VISION_INSTALL.ova.11 Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.8_VISION_INSTALL.ova.12 Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.8_VISION_INSTALL.ova.13 Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.8_VISION_INSTALL.ova.14 Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.8_VISION_INSTALL.ova.15 Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.8_VISION_INSTALL.ova.16 > Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.8_VISION_INSTALL.ova

You should end up with a single ova file.
Step 4
Import this ova file into your Virtual Box using clicking on File > Import Appliance
Step 5
When you are done importing your VM you should see it in Virtual Box as below:

Now all you have to do is click in Start button to start your Virtual Machine
Step 6
First time you login it will ask you apps login. Always start with root user and define it's password.
After defining root user password you have to define oracle user and applmgr password subsequently.

  • Remember to note it down your passwords because they will be used in future

When prompt below message:
Enter VISION for configuring the VISION Demo Instance 
or NONE to login to the VM 
Step 7
In your virtual machine type command ifconfig
This should show you your VM ip address:
Network configuration changed successfully. 
   IP configuration:   DHCP 
   IP address:
   DNS Server: 

Use this ip address and login to your VM using Putty terminal server.
Step 8
Login to your VM in Putty. Select root user and type it's password.
Type below command to start your application:
[root@apps tmp]# service ebsdb start

Change your user to oracle using below command:
[root@apps tmp]# su oracle

Use the following command to create an empty directory for the FNDCPASS script to generate log files with the results in the current directory:
[oracle@apps ~]$ mkdir ~/log ; cd ~/log

Enable the SYSADMIN user using this command:
[oracle@apps log]$ /u01/install/APPS/scripts/

Enable VISION demo users using this command:
[oracle@apps log]$ /u01/install/APPS/scripts/

Set your environment using below command:
[oracle@apps ~]$ . /u01/install/APPS/12.1.0/EBSDB_apps.env

With the database environment variables that are set, set the new passwords for the SYS and the SYSTEM users.
[oracle@apps ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba 

SQL> alter user SYSTEM identified by newpassword
SQL> alter user SYS identified by newpassword ;
SQL> exit

Change database passwords for the base product schemas:
[oracle@apps log]$ /u01/install/APPS/scripts/

Source the run edition file system with the oracle user:
[oracle@apps ~]$ . /u01/install/APPS/EBSapps.env run

Run AutoConfig on the run file system.
[oracle@apps ~]$
When prompted, enter APPS password (apps).

In your current terminal, use the Unix command su to temporarily become root to perform this task, before returning to the oracle session.
[oracle@apps ~]$ su - 

[root@apps tmp]# service apps start
[root@apps tmp]# exit

[oracle@apps ~]$

Stop most of the application tier processes, but leave the Node Manager and Admin server running:
[oracle@apps ~]$ -skipNM -skipAdmin
When prompted, enter APPS user name (apps), APPS password, and current WebLogic Server password (welcome1).

Start all the application tier processes again on the run edition file system.
[oracle@apps ~]$
When prompted, enter APPS user name, APPS password, and WebLogic Server password.

Replace newpassword with the password you just changed earlier for the weblogic user in the following command:
[oracle@apps ~]$ cd /u01/install/APPS/scripts/ 
[oracle@apps scripts]$ for f in st* ;do sed -i 's/welcome1/newpassword/' $f;done

Enable Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway (ISG) by using the following commands:
[oracle@apps ~]$ cd ~/log
[oracle@apps ~]$ /u01/install/APPS/scripts/
At the start of the script execution, when prompted, enter APPS Schema password and Weblogic password.
During the execution process, when prompted, enter new password for the ASADMIN user twice.
When prompted "The script will forcefully stop the Weblogic Servers now. Do you want to proceed (yes/no)? (yes, no)", enter "yes" to proceed.
When prompted "[input] Enter verbose mode: (ON, [OFF])", enter "ON" to turn the verbose mode on.

The Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2.8 single node Vision demo system is now ready for use. The database and application tier processes are running and it is time to try the web interface.
You can try to access the web server from the command line:
[oracle@apps ~]$ curl


  1. how to shut down ebs vm AND START

  2. Hi Saeed,

    To shutdown just type: service apps stop

  3. My Install went by step 6, How can I get it back to where I can enter VISION

  4. Olá amigo, não existe nenhum curso de EBS em português na Udeny, pq vc não regrava o seu curso em português? Acho que venderia bastante. Obrigado.

  5. Seria uma boa idéia Cauê. Além disso esta página está desatualizada.

  6. what is the default APPS password?
